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15 Frequently asked questions about surgery

1 – What are the risks involved in a cosmetic surgery operation?

In any operation there is always some risk, but if the patient follows the indications prescribed by the doctor, this risk is virtually non-existent. There are more risks of car accident than cosmetic operations.

2 – Is the result always positive? Will I look good?

In 99% of the cases the patients are satisfied with the results. There is a 1% of patients less satisfied, in the majority of cases for not having followed the doctor’s indications during the post-operative period, or for expectations greater than what science can provide.

3 – Does it hurt?

More than pain, we would speak of discomfort, which depending on the degree of sensitivity of the patient will be greater or lesser. For these discomforts, analgesics are administered. There is pain, but it is bearable if the patient is positive.

4 – When will I see the results?

There are interventions in which the results are immediate, but when there are bruises or swelling the result can take weeks or even a few months.

5 – Will Dr. Sanza perform the operation himself?

Clínica Estética Sanza has a team of excellent surgeons, but it is the same doctor who always performs the cosmetic surgery; in cases where Dr. Sanza considers that the area to be treated is the specialty of one of his colleagues, he will recommend that the operation be carried out by the specialist, always with his supervision.

6 – What type of anesthesia is used?

Depending on the intervention, we normally use local anesthesia (80% of interventions), sedation or epidural anesthesia and for those more complex operations general anesthesia (20% of interventions).

7 – Is the result definitive?

Yes, if the patient takes care of himself. In the treatments of Rejuvenation, as it is logical the results are immediate and lasting, but the factor time is something that still cannot be saved, the step of the years will return to make dent as it is natural.

8 – Are the scars very visible?

We try to hide them as much as possible in the less visible areas of the body because it is not possible to know how they will scar. Nowadays, they are smaller and less invasive scars every day. Our goal is to see them as little as possible and if they are we can improve them with laser and other equipment.

9 – When will I be able to return to work?

It depends on the type of surgery and how aggressive it is. In mild interventions it is possible that the same day or the next, and in more complex interventions a week or 15 days.10.

10 – Is there any guarantee?

No surgeon can ensure perfection against a surgical intervention. If the result is not 100% satisfactory there is the possibility of making a retouch.

11 – Are touch-ups frequent?

Retouching is the name given to the fact of having to fix something that did not come out with the desired result. Sometimes for a complication in the post-operative and other times for a bad healing in the post-operative. Whatever the cause, if it happens, it will be done to improve the result obtained with the first operation. They are not frequent if the patient is satisfied with the result. They are more frequent in patients with expectations or desires far above what we, plastic surgeons, can get.

12 – Is it possible to operate all over the world?

No. There are patients who want results that cannot be achieved. There are also patients who for health reasons can not be operated. Another very important factor is the economic one. These are expensive operations that cannot be accessed by everyone and do not enter the public health system.

13 – Does self-esteem improve?

Of course it does. We all feel better, stronger, more sociable, more positive, happier the better-looking we are or when we get rid of a complex. The same thing happens with money, we would all like to win the lottery, right? Beauty does not give happiness the same as money, but it does help, and we at Clínica Sanza have helped more than 8,000 patients feel stronger psychologically.

14 – Does it cost a lot of money?

Depending on what we do the prices are very variable but affordable to the vast majority of the population if you really want. It is much more expensive to buy a car or go to depending on what trip or according to what clothes, restaurant… etc.. They even finance many patients for 3 years without interest and this helps a lot.

15 – Can you operate everything?

Nowadays, almost everything.
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