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Cheekbone surgery, Malarplasty
| Cheek Surgery, Bichectomy

Bichectomy and Malarplasty

Cheek plastic surgery is technically known as malarplasty. It encompasses in a single name different types of cheek surgery that can be performed to improve the profile of the face.

Cheek plastic surgery is known as Bichectomy. It is a very simple operation, very fast and gives great results.

This page is a summary of all the techniques we can offer you at Clínica Sanza, in Barcelona. From here you can access the page that explains each one in detail and expand the information.

Bichectomia - Bolas de Bichat

Bichectomy - Balls of

Bichat balls are little balls of fat that we have in each cheek and have no use. These are the ones that give most of the volume in the cheeks and can be easily removed. Removal produces surprising changes in facial symmetry, reducing the volume of the cheeks and giving greater definition to the cheekbones and jawline.


Cheekbone augmentation

Three different techniques are available for cheekbone augmentation: Two are with plastic surgery and one without surgery.

The result is not the same in all three cases.

Perfiloplastia - Dr Jordi Rodríguez


Perfiloplasty consists of surgically correcting the features that condition the profile of the face: nose, chin and cheekbones. Thus, rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, malarplasty or frontoplasty can be combined and performed at the same time.

Extracción de biopolímeros y silicona

Extraction of biopolymers, silicone and other substances

They were withdrawn from the market more than 20 years ago, as they caused a new disease called “iatrogenic allogenosis”.

This operation is performed by very few plastic surgeons in Spain. Patients come to us from all over the world because they cannot find an experienced center to come to. We have been removing biopolymers from our patients’ bodies for more than 30 years.

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