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Chin and jaw surgery
| Mentoplasty


The chin, or chin, is one of the three parts that most define a person’s face from an aesthetic point of view, as it marks a point of reference and breaks the transition between the face and the neck. At Clínica Sanza we perform quick and simple surgical procedures that offer incredible aesthetic results to harmonize your face, technically known as Mentoplasty.

In this section we explain very briefly what each type of chin and jaw plastic surgery operation we can offer you consists of. From here you can access the page that explains each one in detail and expand the information.

Aumento de mentón y mandíbula - Dr Jordi Rodríguez.

Chin and jaw augmentation with prosthesis

It consists of placing a prosthesis in the jaw area, whose material does not cause an immunological reaction and integrates with the tissues in a natural way.

Once in place , the result is forever, it is never lost and the profile of the face is very stylized.

Aumento de mentón y mandíbula - Dr Jordi Rodríguez.

Chin and jaw augmentation with biocompatible substances

It consists of filling the chin and jaw area with temporary substances, such as hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite.

They are infiltrated with injections, do not require surgery and are performed in the same office. They are absolutely biocompatible, they do not produce any type of rejection or subsequent problems in the patient’s body.

Aumento de mentón y mandíbula - Dr Jordi Rodríguez.

Marking or eliminating the chin dimple

The chin dimple operation is a very simple operation that allows both to mark the chin dimple if we want to highlight it more, or to make it disappear if it is not desired or it is too marked for our taste.

Aumento de mentón y mandíbula - Dr Jordi Rodríguez.

Chin and jawline augmentation with own fat, lipofilling

It is used to fill the chin and jaw area with the patient’s own fat. It is not usually the first choice for mandibular improvement.

It is achieved by extracting the patient’s own fat through a mini-liposuction and then the fat is processed and infiltrated into the area to be filled.

Aumento de mentón y mandíbula - Dr Jordi Rodríguez.

Chin and jaw reconstruction

Chin and jaw reconstruction requires a specific assessment of each individual’s problem. The specialist will determine the most appropriate option for each particular case.

Perfiloplastia - Dr Jordi Rodríguez


Perfiloplasty consists of surgically correcting the features that condition the profile of the face: nose, chin and cheekbones. Thus, rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, malarplasty or frontoplasty can be combined and performed at the same time.

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