Men genital surgery
Male intimate surgery
At Cínica Sanza we cover various procedures to solve any type of problem or dysfunction, as well as the appearance or size of the male genital area. We show you the different solutions we can give you for those who wish to feel more at ease with their physical appearance and restore vitality to their intimate parts in the simplest way, using the best technology in medicine.
You can see below the different treatments that you can undergo depending on your case. From here you can go directly to the page that describes each of them in detail.
Penis enlargement
This is a simple surgery that allows the penis to be lengthened by a few centimetres at rest.
There are small, retractable penises that can be lengthened as much as the suspensory ligament allows, generally between 2 and 6 centimetres.
Penis thickness increase
This consists of filling the girth of the penis using one of two methods:
- Penile girth augmentation with your own fat, known as penile lipofilling.
- Augmentation with hyaluronic acid
Buried or hidden penis
Not to be confused with penis enlargement!
This treatment is for patients who have a normal penis size but because the pubic area droops due to excess fat or skin, the penis is not visible and the only thing that needs to be done is to reduce the excess skin or fat.
It is common in people with certain obesity.
Phimosis and penile incurvatures
Male pubic liposuction
It consists of removing excess fatty tissue from the pubic area and retracting the skin in the most effective way to achieve a better appearance of the prominent pubic area.
Testicular prosthesis
Consiste en colocar una prótesis en la bolsa escrotal, cuyo material no causa reacción inmunológica y se integra a los tejidos de manera natural. Esta prótesis envuelve los testículos y les da un aspecto más grande, no queda la sensación de tener cuatro testículos, como piensan algunos pacientes.