Plastic and cosmetic surgery news
Diseases that can be caused by biopolymers in the body
Diseases that can be caused by biopolymers in the body Biopolymers, synthetic substances that are often presented as the ideal solution to augment and shape
Health restricts cosmetic surgery only to physicians specializing in this practice
Health restricts cosmetic surgery only to physicians specializing in this practice The Ministry of Health has modified the decree on the authorization of healthcare centers
What is liposuction? – Explained so that it is understood –
What is liposuction? – Explained so that it can be understood – Hello reader, I have come up with the idea of writing this article
What breast surgery scars look like
What breast surgery scars look like All surgeries leave scars that can be more or less visible. What depends on the visibility of a scar?
What is lipofilling?
What is lipofilling? This word has been on the rise for the last 10 years. Lipo = fat Filling = filler Lipofilling = Fat filler
Differences between hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin
Differences between hyaluronic acid and botolinum toxin Many times we receive patients in our office and emails from patients who ask us the difference between
How to remove skin spots with laser – Sant Cugat TV
Video of aesthetic medicine on how to remove skin spots with laser. On May 4, 2019 came on television in Sant Cugat, a local Barcelona
Difference between liposuction and abdominoplasty
Difference between liposucction and abdominoplasty Video subtitled in English What difference is there between liposuction, abdominoplasty or dermolipectomy? This is a frequently asked question
Video about botulinum toxin – Sant Cugat TV, Barcelona, Spain
Video about botulinum toxin: On 13 December 2018, a programme directed by Sonia Baseda was shown on local television in Sant Cugat, Barcelona (Spain), in
Noticias más populares
Diseases that can be caused by biopolymers in the body
Diseases that can be caused by biopolymers in the body Biopolymers, synthetic substances that are often presented as the ideal solution to augment and shape
Health restricts cosmetic surgery only to physicians specializing in this practice
Health restricts cosmetic surgery only to physicians specializing in this practice The Ministry of Health has modified the decree on the authorization of healthcare centers
What is liposuction? – Explained so that it is understood –
What is liposuction? – Explained so that it can be understood – Hello reader, I have come up with the idea of writing this article
What breast surgery scars look like
What breast surgery scars look like All surgeries leave scars that can be more or less visible. What depends on the visibility of a scar?
- Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine clinic in Barcelona
- Campaign #Pidenoseltitulo of the Spanish Society of…
- Two-thirds of the Spanish who undergo cosmetic…
- Cosmetic surgery most requested in summer by the…
- Stop the effects of aging with cosmetic surgery
- Beware of false laser machines in cosmetic surgery