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Women genital surgery​

Female intimate surgery

At Clínica Sanza we cover various procedures to solve any type of problem, appearance and size of the female genital area for those who wish to feel more comfortable with their physical appearance, restoring vitality and improving the appearance or functionality of their intimate parts in the simplest way and using the best technology in medicine.

You can see below the different treatments that you can undergo depending on your case. From here you can go directly to the page that describes each of them in detail.

Bichectomia - Bolas de Bichat

Labia majora (vulva outer lips) enlargement

It consists of filling the labia majora area with fat that is extracted from another area of your own body with a small liposuction (it is known as labia majora lipofilling) or with hyaluronic acid. The aim of this surgery is to give more volume to an area that suffers from atrophy or whose labia have thinned over time.


Himenoplasty or himen restoration

It is a surgical procedure that repairs and restores the thin membrane that covers the entrance of the vagina that may have ruptured.

Depending on the case, there are different plastic surgery techniques to repair it, which we will explain below.

Liposucción de púbis femenino

Femenine pubis liposuction

It consists of removing the excessive fatty tissue from the pubis and retracting the skin in the most effective way to achieve a better appearance of the prominent pubis.
Ninfoplastia - reducción de labios menores

Labia minora reconstruction

It consists of carrying out a small operation on the labia minora to give symmetry and harmony to the area, preventing the labia majora from protruding beyond the labia majora, which over time or due to childbirth, end up protruding too much.



Consiste en reforzar los músculos vaginales que con el tiempo quedan flácidos o cedidos. Es la mejor opción para mujeres que no consiguen tener relaciones sexuales del todo placenteras. En esta operación lo que se hace es reducir el diámetro de la vagina dilatada.

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